(416) 477 1345
hCG Diet Kits available in Canada! Real homeopathic hCG with no additives

Full support from knowledgeable, certified diet professionals to ensure your weight loss success
Many companies claim to offer the same formulation but they don't. We would never recommend products with additives such as amino acids, Vit B12, Mag-Phos, etc.
Reaching your weight loss goal is easier than ever possible with free support to dieters looking for answers.

Contact us at 416 477 1345.
Our diet specialists are ready to help you reach your weight loss goals.
(Mon-Sat. 9 am - 6 pm (EST).
Due to high call volume, please leave a message
Check out our clients' Before and Afters
to see our before & after gallery

5 Reasons this diet works when other diets fail
When paired with the VLCD (very low calorie diet) for a period of 21 to 99 days, patients lost on average 0.5 to 1.5 pounds per day but also:
1) reprograms your hypothalamus
2) reprograms your metabolism
3) controls hunger and cravings
4) gives you an all natural energy kick
5) is safe and natural

8 Years of Helping Canadians successfully lose weight
Since opening in 2008 our goal has been to educate dieters about our diet protocol along with sharing recipes, motivating stories, informative articles, blogs, and lots of fantastic before and after pictures.
Our philosophy... Pairing reputable high quality products paired with access to our experienced, educated diet specialists to answer your questions ensures your weight loss success. We have heard so many heart warming success stories and have had success with the diet ourselves - not to mention all of our friends and family.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Our Certified Counselors are here to help!
It'll be the last diet you will ever go on
to learn more about how we can help you finally shed those stubborn pounds and inches without feeling cravings, hunger or frustration.
Our diet works for everyone whether you are a man or woman, or whether you have 20 or 120 pounds or more to release.