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hCG Diet Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between homeopathic hCG drops and hCG injections?
Do I have to follow a special diet while I take the hCG drops?
How can I be sure that I am burning fat and not losing muscle?
Is it really necessary to gorge on high fat foods for the first two days and why?
What cosmetics or moisturizers are permitted during the hCG diet?
If I apply baby lotion to my children and wash it off, will this affect my results?
Is it true that you can stay on sublingual hCG drops for as long as you want to?
In Maintenance P4, if a Steak Day is missed on the day of the 2 lb gain can I do it the next day?
Do people lose more weight with prescription injections or homeopathic HCG?
Can I make my own meal plan for the hCG Diet as long as it is 500 calories or under?
What happens if you eat less than 500 calories/day while on the hCG Diet?
If I feel weak on the HCG Diet, should I take a cheat day and eat good food to regain my strength?
What kind and how much exercise should you do while on the hCG Diet?
I am on the hCG Diet and losing lots of inches but I am not always losing pounds. Is this common?
Where is the hCG manufactured and what are the quality control guidelines?
Why doesn't the hCG read positive when I drop it on the pregnancy strip?
What is the difference between prescription hCG and non-prescription (homeopathic) hCG?
Will my metabolism slow down because of being on the very low calorie diet?
Wouldn't I lose the same amount of weight eating a very low calorie diet without hCG?
Will hCG interfere with any medications I am currently taking?
Will I experience any changes in my menstrual cycle taking hCG?
Why are some people calling the hCG Diet the "Weight Loss Cure"?
Is it ok to skip a meal or protein at one of my meals on the hCG Diet?
Can I take the drops longer than 26 days if I want to keep losing weight?
Why won't I be starving if I'm only eating 500 calories a day?
My friend lost weight with the HCG injections, so will the homeopathic oral hCG drops work the same?
I'm ready to start Fat Loading. Are there foods I should avoid?
How closely must we follow the food plan? Can I substitute one vegetable for another?
Is it normal to have a headache and upset stomach for a few days after starting the hCG drops?
Should I stop all pills and multivitamins when I start the hCG Protocol? What about B12 shots?
What if I gain weight as soon as I start eating more than 500 calories a day?
1. What is the hCG Diet?
Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, a specialist on obesity and weight regulation, introduced a program that has helped many people overcome weight loss resistance. The program utilizes a natural hormone that is produced during pregnancy called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG).
Dr. Simeons’ theory is that hCG causes the hypothalamus area of the brain to trigger a release of abnormal fat stores. When administered in relatively small doses and coupled with a very low calorie diet, people routinely lose 1 to 2 pounds per day.
hCG has helped thousands of people lose those stubborn pounds. In addition to weight loss, many patients who have completed the hCG program also experienced many other health benefits, including a drop in cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
2. What is the Hypothalamus?
The hypothalamus is a part of the diencephalon area of our brain. This is the vital part of the brain which controls all of the autonomic functions of the body, including breathing, heart beat, digestion, sleep and the complex functions of the endocrine system. One of the many functions of the endocrine system is regulation and control of your metabolism and weight.
3. Does hCG work for everyone?
Although hCG is naturally produced only in pregnant women, as a diet aid it works the same for men and women. Most people on this program report losing between 0.5 to 1 pound per day, and claim it is the only program where they have been able to keep the weight off afterward.
However, as with any drug or medication, or even with food (e.g., allergies), there is individual variation in its efficacy. Everyone is familiar with the fact that doctors often have to change people's medications because they don't respond as expected. So although hCG is effective for the great majority of people who try it, there is logically no promise that it will work for everyone, every time.
But you don't need to worry, because we have you covered with our refund guarantee -- unlike doctors, clinics, pharmacies or websites who wouldn't refund a dime if a treatment or prescription didn't work. So you can give the hCG DIET CANADA diet a try with confidence in how well it is working, and at the same time you are covered by our guarantee!
4. What is the difference between homeopathic hCG drops and hCG injections?
Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. It has been the primary medical system of choice for a great number of people in other countries for many years, with the allopathic methods being their secondary choice. (Allopathic healthcare is what we have here in the United States, which relies on pharmaceutical drugs and surgical procedures.)
Homeopathics have been used for many years to very effectively bring about healing and better health without the negative consequences and side effects that allopathic methods often have. Its popularity in the United States has grown dramatically over the last decade because homeopathy is effective, all natural and safe. There are no dangerous side effects with homeopathic remedies, and they can be taken along with other medications without worrying about adverse reactions.
Homeopathic formulations function on the theory of "like heals like" and that a very small amount of the active ingredient brings about change, because of the unique way homeopathic products are produced. Homeopathic hCG is produced by taking pure full strength hCG and making it into a sublingual mixture through a process of dilution and succussion.
True homeopathic products, when tested in a typical lab, will come back negative for the active ingredient because the ingredient actually exists as a unique energy signature or imprint in the carrier liquid that cannot be measured chemically. This is also the reason homeopathic hCG drops will not show positive on a pregnancy test. It is important to realize that physical elements interact and affect each other in more ways than just chemically. Homeopathic products have continually baffled the American Medical Association when they fail in their chemical lab tests, yet are very successful when put to work in the human body.
This has certainly been the case with homeopathic hCG used in the hCG diet program. If you are in doubt, read our real-life hCG weight loss success stories. They were the result of a very straightforward customer survey which also revealed what you can expect for average results not just the greatest success stories.
Another difference is the method of administration. Sublingual hCG drops are used by placing them under the tongue, an area rich in capillaries, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Our homeopathic hCG is manufactured in an FDA registered laboratory in the United States, and is prepared per the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. It does not require a prescription. hCG injections, on the other hand, must be prescribed by a doctor and are administered by a shot into your muscle tissue. The cost of injections obviously is much higher due to the involvement of the doctor and clinic.
5. How does hCG help me lose weight?
hCG appears to act on the hypothalamus, signaling the body to release stored fat into the bloodstream where it is then available to be used by the cells for nourishment. This alone will not cause weight loss, though, unless you reduce your food intake. This forces the body to use the mobilized fat from the bloodstream. hCG causes the release of abnormal fat without affecting structural fat and muscle tissue. Which means you lose in those stubborn areas--hips, thighs, buttocks and upper arms!
6 Do I have to follow a special diet while I take the hCG drops?
You must follow the entire hCG Diet Protocol as described in Dr. Simeons' manuscript, "Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity", where he outlines a special 500-calorie-per-day diet that was tested on thousands of patients.
hCG is only effective for weight loss if it is taken while strictly following Dr. Simeons' hCG Diet Protocol, including the 500 calorie diet. Taking hCG alone (without the diet) will not cause you to lose weight.
hCG takes effect when you reduce your food intake so that the mobilized fat will be used for your body's energy needs. If you fail to follow the diet you will fail to lose weight. If you only follow the diet without taking hCG, you are simply starving yourself because there is no fat in the bloodstream to burn. Simply put, both are required. Also see the next two questions.
7. What food am I allowed to eat?
The hCG diet is balanced, unlike many extreme "fad" diets out there. It consists of a healthy variety of protein, vegetables and fruit, with a small amount of starch. You eat them in specific portions and combinations as outlined by Dr. Simeons.
Allowed proteins are veal (low grade), beef (95% lean whole cuts), chicken breast (boneless, skinless), crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp, and any fresh, white-fleshed fish.
Allowed vegetables are asparagus, beet greens, cabbage, celery, chard, chicory greens, cucumber, fennel, green salad, onion, red radishes, spinach, and tomato.
Allowed fruits are apples, strawberries, oranges, and grapefruit. Limited starches include grissini (breadstick) or Melba toast. Vegetarian protein substitutions (may slow weight loss) are a protein shake, soy patty, egg (1 whole + 3 egg whites), cottage cheese or fat-free milk.
8. Why can't I just go on a 500 calorie diet without the hCG?
In order to answer this question you need to understand how the body stores and uses fat. Dr. Simeons identified three separate fat stores:
Normal fat: This type of fat can be likened to a checking account from which the body can easily draw energy or deposit it as needed. Normal fat doesn't take a lot of effort to lose.
Structural fat: Pads the various organs, protects the arteries and cushions the bony prominences. You don't ever want to lose this fat. It is vital to your health and well being. Yet, on the typical "starvation" diet, this is the fat you lose when the normal fat is depleted.
Abnormal fat: This is much like a bank safe deposit box, where fat is stored and basically locked away. This fat is very difficult to lose via exercise and calorie restriction, but with the help of hCG the body readily pulls fat from these "last resort" fat stores.
Bottom line: If you go on a 500-calorie diet without hCG, the body uses the normal fat and then starts to use the structural fat and muscle. Losing your structural fat and muscle tissue can adversely affect your health and well-being. In addition, "starvation" diets without hCG can cause you to be excessively hungry, which is typically not true for those using HCG drops on Dr. Simeons' special 500-calorie schedule. This is not just a VLCD (very-low-calorie-diet). See next question.
9. Will I be hungry on the hCG diet?
On hCG, the vast majority of our customers indicate they were either not hungry (unlike other diets where they were starving), or they felt in control and surprisingly little hunger and had plenty of energy.
That aligns perfectly with Dr. Simeons' theories about the fat-releasing properties of hCG; in essence, HCG is helping you get the majority of energy and calories from stored fat instead of only food in your stomach.
Everyone is different -- and some report mild hunger in the first week as their body adjusts -- but it has become very clear that the hCG DIET CANADA diet plan is something very special, something out of the ordinary. It is most definitely NOT just a "500-calorie diet".
In addition, the hCG diet starts with a "gorging" phase, which helps load the body with calories to use during transition into the low-calorie phase. People who faithfully follow the protocol as outlined by Dr. Simeons in our materials, and stick to it will see fantastic results.
We encourage you to TRY it (we have a money-back guarantee) and see for yourself.
10. Do I have to exercise while on the hCG diet?
Exercise is not a mandatory part of the program. While vigorous exercise may increase the amount of weight you lose while on this plan, it is not a significant increase and is not recommended, because on a 500 calorie diet you can easily become too exhausted. That leads to discouragement and frustration. However, we do recommend moderate activity for all of the other benefits you receive, including stress relief and cardiovascular health.
If you are already accustomed to exercising at a certain level and would like to continue, do so, but do not over do it. Pay attention to your body's response. Scale down the intensity of the workouts if:
(1) you don't have the energy to get through it;
(2) you start feeling ill or light headed;
(3) you gain weight the next day; or
(4) you don't have the energy to get through the day after you work out.
Our suggestion for those who want to exercise is that you walk for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Walking is great exercise and contributes to your health in a variety of ways. It helps relieve stress, keeps the bowels moving, conditions your cardiovascular system, and encourages better blood/oxygen circulation. When you are are finished with the hCG diet regimen and are back on a regular diet you can then pick up the intensity of your exercise routines.
11. What ingredients are in Homeopathic hCG drops?
The most effective and popular brand of hCG drops contain hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in strengths of 6X, 12X, 30X, and 60X. This combination of strengths is the most effective formula available in homeopathic medicine. Amino acids, B12, citric acid, glycerine, flavouring or other additives are NOT ingredients you want to find in your hCG drop formula.
Our hCG is bottled in a solution of purified water and 16% U.S.P. alcohol. Contrary to scare tactics and incorrect and misleading information designed to confuse buyers, alcohol is a necessary component of the hCG drops. It allows the hCG to be stored (preserved) without refrigeration, in a cool place for up to 5 years unopened and six months after opening.
In fact, the alcohol base in homeopathic remedies is required by the FDA as a preservative for liquid formulas, so we suggest that you steer clear of any homeopathic hCG that does NOT contain alcohol.
Some hCG manufacturers use 20%, but our pharmaceutical manufacturer (located in Colorado) uses just 16% to reduce the taste of the alcohol.
At HCG DIET CANADA we tested homeopathic hCG from over a dozen manufacturers so we could trust and ensure that we offer the best homeopathic hCG available. You won't find a stronger or more effective homeopathic hCG formula anywhere else. We guarantee it!
12. How can I be sure that I am burning fat and not losing muscle?
With the hCG protocol you will notice your body being reshaped and the flabby areas disappearing quickly. However, you can test your urine after 7 days on the protocol with KETOSTIX and ALBUSTIX to prove to yourself that it’s fat that’s being lost and not muscle. This is also a good way to confirm the potency of your hCG and make sure it is burning that fat. Plus it's fun to test your fat burning ranges.
13. If I am a vegetarian or vegan can I still do the hCG diet?
Although it is not ideal, you can substitute fat free cottage cheese or egga (one egg + the whites of 3 more) for lean meat. Due to the sugar content in dairy products your weight loss will probably be less than it would if you were eating meat. If you are a vegan there is a vegan pea protein powder available.
14. Can I do the hCG diet if I am lactose intolerant?
Chicken breast, very lean beef, are preferable to dairy products, and eggs (1 whole egg + 3 whites per serving) can be used as well.
15. Is salt permitted on the hCG diet, and in what quantity?
There is no limitation or restriction on salt intake. However, increased consumption of salt is one of the biggest causes of weight fluctuation and inconsistancy due to water retention. Sometimes water retention can cause a plateau of a day or two or even three and no one wants that!
16. Is it really necessary to gorge on high fat foods for the first two days and why?
Yes. That’s very important because during that time the body builds up a reserve of fat to live off of for the first week. Otherwise you could become very hungry if you skip those two days or take them lightly.
It takes two days for the hCG to fully enter your system and begin circulating your abnormal fat stores, filling your fat reserves by 'gorging' helps to prevent hunger during the first three days to one week of the protocol. I find that the clients most successful on the diet with no hunger at all are those that really gorged during fat loading two days. Think macadamia nuts, avacodo, bacon, ribs, and of course - the Dairy Queen Blizzard.
17. Are pickles allowed on the hCG VLCD diet?
Cucumbers are allowed on the diet so pickles are permitted as well. However, pickles contain large amounts of sodium which can increase water retention and body weight so they are not really recommended. If you plateau after eating a pickle you will know that it is definitely just water retention.
18. What foods are permitted on the hCG diet?
You should drink at least 2 litres of water each day.
Unlimited tea, and black coffee are also permitted.
According to Dr. Simeons protocol (which I promote over Trudeau for optimal weight loss), only Stevia, Xylitol or saccarin should be used for sweeteners.
In addition to that, 500 calories each day is made up of the following:
1 grisini or fat free melba toast and choice of 1 fruit (such as apple, orange, 1/2 grapefruit, or 6 large strawberries)
Lunch and Dinner:
100 grams of very low fat beef, veal, chicken, white fish, lobster, or shrimp, and 100 grams of one of the following vegetables - onion, tomato, celery, cucumber, spinach, or green lettuce (there are more protein and vegetable options listed on the actual directions)
1 grisini or fat free melba toast and choice of 1 fruit (listed above).
It is ideal to vary your fruit, vegetable and protein sources daily, rather than eat the same foods each meal or each day. It is also recommended to eat your fruit at least 6 hours apart.
19. Won't I starve on only 500 calories a day?
Regardless of your size or weight, 500 calories from food is sufficient because you will be utilizing stored fat for energy and calories.
Most individuals on this diet will lose about 1 pound of fat per day.
A pound of fat = 3500 calories, so that in addition to the 500 calories of food you consume = 4000 calories.
That's why most people on this diet do not experience hunger and some even have trouble eating the 500 calories each day. I know I sure did and so did most of my clients, friends and family. it is important to eat all of the VLCD daily allowed food but if you have to skip something, make it the melba toast, not the fruit, protein or veggies.
20. What cosmetics or moisturizers are permitted during the hCG diet?
Generally, eye pencils and mascara are the only cosmetics recommended. Mineral oil may be used as a moisturizer (but should not be used for cooking). I don't recommend it though - I say 'stick to oil-free moisturizers like Arbonne or Neutrogena.'
Mineral make-up is allowed though and it is fabulous. I recommend it to everyone whether they are on the diet or not. Try it - you will LOVE it and it won't make your pores huge like 'regular' non-mineral make-ups.
Any other creams, lotions or cosmetics containing fat, especially animal or food derived fats, should be strictly avoided on this diet.
21. Can I use shampoos and conditioners on the hCG Diet?
Yes, stick to what you are using anyways - provided you rinse them out well and do not rub or massage them into the scalp
22. If I apply baby lotion to my children and wash it off, will this affect my results?
Great questions and one of the biggest mistakes people make on the hCG diet.
Yes - even this small amount of oil can have an effect to the hCG diet so it is highly recommended that you wear gloves if you can. Also do the same when handling food while cooking - in other words, don't touch the butter or oils.
23. Can I colour my hair on the hCG diet?
Colouring your hair is not recommended. It will definitely put your weight loss at a halt.
24. What deodorant is permitted or recommended on the hCG diet?
Crystal deodorant is recommended. You should be able to find it in a health food store if it is not available in your local grocery store.
I didn't actually change my deoderant because I don't like the crystal deoderant. Try it if you are interested in being 100% compliant with Dr Simeons. If not, it'll be our 'Secret'.
25. Is it true that you can stay on sublingual hCG drops for as long as you want to?
No - definitely not!
It is true that one can do Phase 2 for extended periods of time with far less likelihood of immunity than with injections. But I have known people who hit immunity after about 60 days. So it is possible. If you need an extended P2 I would recommend a maximum of 55 days.
Also, I don't really advise it because I have come to believe that it complicates maintenance somewhat for the following reasons:
- Psychologically it is stressful to do a course much longer, and one begins to experience feelings of deprivation in spite of lack of hunger due simply to having to restrict the diet to such an extent, which can weaken resolve to go forward;
- The weight release typically slows toward the end of a round so that you will have better results doing shorter rounds frequently and getting the higher release rates at the beginning of the rounds more often.
However, there are those who have large amounts of weight to release who may benefit due to the importance of getting to a lower weight for the sake of their immediate health, so for those who are morbidly obese or close to that, then I would consider thinking about it.
But at the same time I would much rather recommend a 'series' of 43 day programs. I don't see a big problem with making the waiting periods between rounds a bit shorter if you have to do more than 3 rounds to reach your final goal. But the 3 week P4 and a minimum week after that is recommended (cutting down the between time by two weeks).
26. Can I drink diet pop on the hCG diet?
Yes, but I definitely DON'T recommend it!
You see, the artificial sweeteners have a bad reputation for being contributing factors to the whole problem that got our hypothalamus in the skewed mess it is in the first place.
If you love your pop look into getting the new Zevia soft drink sweetened with stevia that is available in some health food stores. If you go to Zevia.com, you can find out more about this 'good for you' pop.
Also, there are lovely Teas that you can sweeten with Stevia to replace your cola habit. I have found that mixing 4 oz Cocobiotic (the super healthy & delicious probiotic liquid) mixed with some sparkling water and a flavored stevia, like peach really quenched my diet cola thirst.
27. In Maintenance P4, if a Steak Day is missed on the day of the 2 lb gain can I do it the next day?
No - definitely NOT.
Steak Days don't work that way!
It is absolutely imperative that the Steak Day be done IMMEDIATELY on the day the 2 lb limit is breached. If this is not done, it is counterproductive to do a Steak Day the next day, or to do 2 in a row, as this will skew the hypothalamus' function again so that it will slow metabolism and increase cravings.
The reason Steak Days work is that more calories were eaten the day prior so the body can have the reduced calories and respond correctly the very next day.
But when a Steak Day follows a day that did not include additional calories and increasing your weight 2 lbs +, your body will not respond correctly.
When the Steak Day is missed for the correct day, the correct procedure is to take one's weight on the following day as the new LDW (Last Dose Weight), and then proceed from there to do the Steak Day correction if your weight exceeds 2 lbs above this new LDW.
In other words - STICK TO THE RULES in maintenance.
It is only 21 days and all you need to do it stick to the Steak Day rule of doing it on that day!
28. Do people lose more weight with prescription injections or homeopathic HCG?
Bottom line is we have had the same if not better results with the homeopathic drops vs. the injections.
People on the drops vs. the injections have reported the same results - no muscle loss and total hunger and craving control and lots of energy both during and after the hCG diet. The Homeopathic hCG that we sell at hCG Diet Canada is made by an FDA approved compounding pharmacy that is ranked one of the highest quality manufacturers of hCG. That is exactly why I chose it.
That and because they give you double the hCG of most Homeopathic drops, With hCg Diet Canada Homeopathic sublingual drops you get 60 drops a day - with the leading competitors only 30.
The only difference that we see from our thousands of clients' results on both the prescription and the Homeopathic is Homeopathic is easier (doesn't need refrigeration) and much cheaper!
29. Can I start the hCG Diet fat loading on the last 2 days of my period, or wil that prevent the hCG from entering my system?
Typically we recommend if a woman is on her period that she waits until the period is over before she starts the hCG fat loading. If she’s already on the hCG, the she can either continue while she’s on her period or get off the hCG for the few days while she’s on her period.
It really depends on the individual and whether they are experiencing any hunger or not. If no hunger is experience during this TOM, then staying on the drops is recommended.
30. What happens if you cheat on the hCG Diet?
If you cheat on the hCG Diet you will not be successful.
We tell clients that typically if you cheat, even a small amount, you will plateau for as many as two to three days after the cheating.
The client may not lose as much weight during that week but it’s very important that he/she continues to strictly follow the diet during the stall.
Stay motivated!
It works - guaranteed!
31. Can I make my own meal plan for the hCG Diet as long as it is 500 calories or under?
You cannot make your own meal plan because the recommended food is very important. You can’t have fat, you can’t have sugar. It’s very important that you follow the recommendations of the strict Dr Simeons protocol.
If you can't, please call us and we will recommend the Trudeau protocol. It also works but is a little more lenient.
32. Is there an age limit to the hCG Diet?
No. There’s no age limitation.
You should be as young as 13-14 and we have a lot of clients in their 60’s and 70’s experience great success on this diet.
33. Is hCG safe for men?
Men actually tend to lose more weight than females do.
Women 0.8-1lb/day
Men 1-1.5 lb/day
34. How does the hCG Diet work?
The hCG Diet works because you’re on a 500 calorie restricted diet (the VLCD). This VLCD diet triggers the body to attack and consume its reserve body fat, so you’re losing what we call unhealthy body fat.
hCG does three things:
helps you preserve muscle, keeps your metabolic rate the same if not higher, and affects the leptin hormone, your appetite hormone.
35. What happens if you eat less than 500 calories/day while on the hCG Diet?
If you eat less than 500 calories you typically will not lose weight. The body will go into a stress mode and will store whatever fat you have.
The 500 calories/day are just enough to feed your brain. Your brain tells your body to consume its stored fat for calories. Without fuel for your brain, it won't be able to trigger and send the message 'burn fat!' to your body.
36. If I feel weak on the HCG Diet, should I take a cheat day and eat good food to regain my strength?
You should definitely not take a cheat day, but if you’re feeling weak you should do one of two things:
1) up your B12 intake to twice a day on the day you are feeling weak (works 95% of the time)
2) add some extra calories, probably 80 to 120 extra calories, preferably from the allowed protein or the vegetables.
We’ve found that adding extra calories of the allowed VLCD foods when you feel weak can not only allow you to continue to lose weight but take care of these side effects.
37.What kind and how much exercise should you do while on the hCG Diet?
Of course the protocol says that you should do moderate exercise. Moderate means exercise that does not cause you to be tired and/or hungry. If you do extra exercise on a particular day, you should add extra calories.
We recommend resistance training 2 to 3 times a week, 20 to 30 minutes. Moderate, not strenuous exercise, and we also recommend that the other days you do walking for 20 to 30 minutes; again, nothing very strenuous.
38. Is the hCG Diet a scam?
The hCG Diet has been around since 1950. It’s been used in Europe for years, then came to the USA in the 1980’s.
But the hCG Diet is definitely starting to make it waves with consumers that are shedding pounds easily and without hunger when all other diets have failed them, cost a fortune or didn't deliver long lasting weight loss (or all three!).
39. Can you do the HCG Diet while nursing/breastfeeding?
We do not recommend that you do any hCG Diet while you’re nursing, or any other type of diet while nursing other than eating very healthy and exercising.
We typically recommend while breastfeeding that you take nothing into your body that could cause an issue. Even though it’s likely it does not, this is not a time when you should be losing weight at such a rapid rate..
40. Can I eat tuna in water on the hCG Diet?
Yes, you can.
Unless it brings you to a stall, then stop.
41. I am on the hCG Diet and losing lots of inches but I am not always losing pounds. Is this common?
hCG can have a testosterone like effect. So it can actually increase your muscle. So you actually may be gaining muscle. When you gain muscle of course you don’t lose weight because your weight may actually go
up with muscle. Typically your weight won’t go up too much, but your body is changing its composition from fat to muscle. Muscle does occupy more space.
So that’s actually a good thing. If you have your body composition measuring machine you will be able to verify this.
Another reason for a halt in pounds lost on the scale is because the weight registered by the scale is determined by two processes not necessarily synchronized. Under the influence of hCG, fat is being extracted from the cells, in which it is stored in the fatty tissue. When these cells are empty and therefore serve no purpose, the body breaks down the cellular structure and absorbs it.
But the breaking up of useless cells, connective tissue, blood vessels, etc., at times follows the fat-extraction/emptying process. When the fat is emptied from the cell the body replaces some of the extracted fat with water which is retained for this cell filling purpose.
Because water is heavier than fat, the weight scale may show no loss of weight even though fat has actually been consumed to make up for the extra calories needed during the 500-calorie VLCD diet. When such tissue is finally broken down and the water released, there is a sudden flood of urine and a marked loss of weight.
This is the reason for the appearance of no weight loss on the scale while following the instructions of the diet. Don’t worry – fat is burning at all times during the hCG diet treatment. Using a Ketone Strip will prove it!
42. What is hCG and how does it work?
is a hormone naturally produced in the body. It has many functions and hCG is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. It is the pregnancy hormone. This hormone allows the body to metabolize fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This acts as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. For weight loss, we use only a very small amount of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using hCG in this way does not mimic pregnancy; in fact, it can be safely used by both men and women.
43. Where is the hCG manufactured and what are the quality control guidelines?
The hCG formulas we recommend are those manufactured in the USA by laboratories that has been producing homeopathic formulas for 20 years or more. All homeopathic formulas are registered with the FDA and are assigned an FDA Establishment number, which must be displayed on the primary display panel of the label. Regular inspections by the FDA ensure compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) for your safety.
44. Why doesn't the hCG read positive when I drop it on the pregnancy strip?
Our exclusive hCG Diet Canada formula is Homeopathic, which is nothing short of science meeting nature. For centuries science has used and proven these methods to be effective and safe. Homeopathic HCG usually will not show up in a pregnancy test due to the way it is derived from the source but can be tested in the lab for efficacy, if in question. Our Homeopathic formula is developed in the lab and has thousands of happy users to support its effectiveness.
“A negative pregnancy test result with homeopathic HCG does not mean that the HCG is not potent. We tested this ourselves before we started using the homeopathic. Specifically, homeopathy is based on both physical ingredients that you can see and resonance/frequencies that you cannot see, but these are not cheaply or easily measured. It is for this reason why you want to be sure you are dealing with an experienced, reputable lab. The manufacturer we use for our products is “a federally registered pharmaceutical laboratory in full compliance with FDA regulations governing pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.” –DIYHCG.com
See FAQ #45 for more information on FDA Establishment and manufacturing practices.
45. What is the difference between prescription hCG and non-prescription (homeopathic) hCG?
Prescription HCG is usually pure pharmaceutical grade HCG with no supporting elements to help it perform at 100%. Prescription HCG can be very effective but must be obtained and monitored only by a licensed medical physician or it is considered against law along with very expensive. Pure HCG is usually administered by injection only.
Our non-prescription HCG Formula is homeopathically derived and blended with other effective natural ingredients, which not only makes it legally obtainable with out a prescription, but also makes it safer and more affordable, with the same average weight losses of prescription HCG
46. Is the hCG hormone safe for men to take?
The hCG hormone is naturally present in men. It is found in every human tissue, including males, pregnant women, and non-pregnant women. Men get even faster results and tend to lose more weight than women.
47. Will my metabolism slow down because of being on the very low calorie diet?
It is true that normally when cutting back on calories and fat, our body stores fat and our metabolism slows down. This happens because fat is really a life-saving source of stored energy. When a very low calorie diet is used in conjunction with the HCG, the hormone signals the body to used stored fat for energy, and will eliminate excess fat reserves. It is a natural process, so no ill effects on your metabolism will result. The HCG keeps the body from going into starvation mode and holding onto fat as it resets your metabolism.
48. Wouldn't I lose the same amount of weight eating a very low calorie diet without hCG?
You can lose weight simply by eating fewer calories and fat, but because the body stores fat during times of deprivation, you will most likely lose muscle and bone before fat. This causes cellular metabolism to slow down, so in the long run, it would make gaining weight easier, as well as decrease bone density and muscle mass. By using hCG with the low calorie diet, extra fat is mobilized for energy and the rest is eliminated; the low calorie diet is vital in preventing immediate refilling of emptied fat cells. You benefit by preferentially getting rid of excess fat without affecting your bone and muscle. With hCG you can lose the weight quickly and keep it off!
49. The hCG diet is very low calorie, will I get hungry?
It is common to feel mild hunger during the first few days. This will pass and by the second week you will find your servings to be satisfying. Because hCG mobilizes fat and makes it available to the body as an energy source, it naturally reduces appetite. So even though you are taking in fewer calories, your body can access the energy you have stored in fat cells.
Drinking lots of the green tea all day (we like the cold fruity sweet one sweetened with stevia) helps a ton as a natural appetite suppressant and your energy level. Overall, most people have plenty of energy and feel good while on the program.
50. Will hCG interfere with any medications I am currently taking?
Homeopathic hCG formulas do not interact with ANY medications, including birth control pills or Depo-Provera. Even though there are currently NO clinically proven side effects to our Homeopathic weight loss formula, as with any diet we do recommend consulting with your doctor to make sure this diet is for you.
51. Will I experience any changes in my menstrual cycle taking hCG?
Because the amount of hCG is so small, there are no changes to your menstrual cycle. Likewise, hCG will not affect your ability to become pregnant, nor will it increase your chances of getting pregnant. It is best to avoid starting the HCG Diet if you are within 5-6 days of your menstrual period. Wait until after your menstrual period is complete to start HCG. Once on hCG and you have a menstrual cycle, you can maintain the diet and continue taking hCG.
52. What about pregnancy and taking hCG?
If you are pregnant or become pregnant during the HCG diet, stop taking HCG and consult your physician.
53. Why are some people calling the hCG Diet the "Weight Loss Cure"?
hCG is also being called the "Weight Loss Cure" because after taking it for weight loss, it reprograms your body to use stored fat for energy when calories are reduced for a period of time. It helps you maintain your weight and not regain the pounds you lost.
54. How much weight can I expect to lose on the hCG Diet?
Most people will lose 20 pounds minimum on the 26 day program. Everyone is different. It depends on many factors including how much excess weight you have and how much needs to be lost. Often, people lose 7-14 lbs in the first week. You need to have at least 15 lbs to lose in order to do the 26 day program.
I always say you will lose minimum 10 pounds per bottle.
55. Does the weight loss slow down after the first two weeks?
Many times there is a large amount of weight loss in the first week, then a plateau or leveling off of weight loss. This does not mean that your weight loss has stopped. Typically, inches are being lost continuously while on the program, and after a period of time, patients will experience another large drop on the scale. Weight loss is thus achieved in this stair-step fashion.
56. Is it ok to skip a meal or protein at one of my meals on the hCG Diet?
You don't ever want to skip any of your meals. Its important to eat all of your 500 calories and especially your protein so that you only lose fat and not muscle.
If you ever need to cut something out only the Melba Toast or breadsticks is recommended.
57. Can I exercise on the hCG Diet?
No exercise!
Or if you must exercise, low key exercise only. You can do about 20 min. of walking a day and a few sit ups or push-ups if you feel that is needed. Exercise burns calories and therefore causes your hunger to increase. The combination of low calorie intake and exercise could cause your body to go into starvation mode. This can negatively impact your stamina and commitment to the diet. So take it easy. And remember, you will be losing fat. So when you do go back to the gym, it's a skinner, more energetic you!
58. Should I take vitamins while on the hCG Diet?
You must take a B12 supplement everyday. This will increase your energy, stop you from feeling dizzy or light-headed and increase your metabolism.
Also a good Multi Vitamin helps, make sure it is sugar free and has no fat soluble ingredients like fish oils or vitamin D. Potassium is also good especially if you experience leg cramps (which can be common while on this diet). Calcium/magnesium combo is also a good one to take if needed.
59. Is it normal to get a headache during the first week?
Some people may experience light headaches during the first week, this is because your body is releasing fat cells very rapidly and you will be going through a major detox. You may take an Aspirin or Tylenol as long as it's not sugar coated.
60. Can I take the drops longer than 26 days if I want to keep losing weight?
You can take them up to 60 days. After 60 days you must take a little break before you start another session. This is to make sure your body doesn't become immune to the hCG. Some people have taken the drops 99 days and more without immunity but at hCG Diet Canada we like to day 60 maximum. Some people say that even after 45 days the hCG weight loss isn't as rapid so it is good to take a break anyways.
21 days is the shortest amount of days and 60 is the longest you can do the drops. You will need 3 bottles to go a 43 day round. Just remember the last 3 days of your plan is no drops and continue diet for 3 days until the hCG is flushed out of your body before going into maintenance. Exercise is encouraged once you start maintenance and are back to a 1500-1700 calorie diet.
61. Can you split up your fruits and eat them when you want?
Yes, you can eat them for breakfast or as a snack. Most don't eat them with their meals so they will have a snack when they feel hungry. You are allowed 2 fruit servings a day.
62. Can I drink alcohol on the hCG Diet?
In the original hCG diet protocol by Dr Simeons, it does not mention or account for alcohol. It has found that some hCG Diet patients whom have been drinkers or even those that are borderline alcoholic, do surprisingly well on the hCG diet. If the simple instructions are followed correctly, the hCG diet will get them out of their drinking routine.
These patients have even said that they don’t even feel the need to drink while on the hCG diet because hCG works with the hypothalamus gland which controls the emotional eating/drinking part of the brain, along with other aspects.
63. Can I wear make-up on the hCG Diet?
No lotions, moisturizers or liquid make-ups with oil.
hCG is very sensitive to oils, creams and fats. These could slow the weight loss process down; you only want it to target your stored fat. You can use any mineral makeup or pressed powders and of course oil free foundations are fine. Other types of eye makeup and lipstick are fine.
Stay away from lip glosses and Chapstick. If your lips get dry the protocol says to use Carmex. It also says if needed you can use mineral oil (baby oil) if needed as a moisturizer. Neutrogena and Arbonne make oil free moisturizers that are great for face and hands/arms.
64. What is homeopathy?
Basically put, homeopathy is a system of wellness treatment. The homeopathic system of wellness treatment varies from the medical care system on a very basic level. Individuals seeking treatment through the medical care system visit a doctor seeking relief for specific problems and/or symptoms. The majority of cases are treated with drugs.
The same symptoms/problems presented to a homeopathic professional would not be treated singly. Symptoms are treated as indications of deeper, core issues. They indicate basic imbalances within the systems of the body that are often ignored by professionals in the medical care system. When symptoms are treated while ignoring the core issue that is causing the presentation of the symptom at hand the symptoms (or similar symptoms) quickly reassert themselves. This is commonly referred to as a disease.
The cycle of symptoms continues due to the fact that a high number of treatments alleviate symptoms one by one while doing nothing to treat the core issue that is causing symptoms to present. Homeopathic treatments focus on these core issues instead of treating each individual symptom.
The human body is an intelligent organism. It is capable of creating balance out of imbalances in its own functioning systems. It only needs to have access to the right substances to achieve the balance. Homeopathic treatments create the opportunity for the body to rectify imbalances by providing the substances needed for healing and strengthening. Symptoms cease presenting as homeopathic treatment takes effect against basic imbalances in the body.
hCG Diet Canada's hCG formula stimulates the body’s natural ability to make adjustments to alleviate imbalances. They work on a cellular level and use the natural healing abilities of the body to rectify core issues in the body’s systems. They work directly with the root of the problem rather than scratching the surface by treating individual symptoms. Rather than labeling chronic symptom presentation as a common “disease” of aging homeopathic treatments get to the root of the issue.
65. How can you check homeopathic potency?
Potency in homeopathic circles is a reference to how a product was generated in a lab. It also refers to how it functions within the body. Common potencies are labeled with Roman numerals (for instance: X=decimal, 10 and C=centesimal, 100).
Homeopathic treatments are put in place to treat core issues of the body; not to suppress individual symptoms. The body’s innate ability to heal itself and generate better general health is stimulated by infinitesimally small quantities of specific substances.
All substances introduced into the body (remedy or food) are broken down and they are broken down into microscopic quantities. All materials are broken down in order to enable the body to transport them into cells.
Substances designed for homeopathic treatment are broken down into microscopic quantities during the design process. Each time a homeopathic substance is diluted it is succussed. This process results in the substance eventually reaching appropriate microscopic levels for optimized transporting.
66. How does hCG work?
The hCG hormone causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it’s available for use.
You are still burning the 3000 calories that most people use during the course of a day BUT only 500 calories are coming from their food. That means 2500 calories are coming from that previously stored fat which is how you are losing about a pound a day and doing it in a healthy way! (Source: HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide by Linda Prinster, p. 83)
67. What ingredients are in the best hCG drops?
The most popular drops on the market have no additives, simply hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in strengths of 6X, 12X, 30X, and 60X. This combination of strengths is the most effective formula in homeopathic medicine. This hormone should be bottled in a glass bottle in a solution of purified water and 16% to 20% U.S.P. alcohol.
Contrary to scare tactics and just plain wrong information designed to confuse buyers, alcohol is a necessary component of the HCG drops. It allows the HCG to be stored (preserved) without refrigeration for two years unopened and six months after opening. In fact, the alcohol base in homeopathic remedies is required by the FDA as a preservative for liquid formulas. Some hCG manufacturers use 20% alcohol, but the best pharmaceutical manufacturers use just 16% to reduce the taste.
68. How does the hCG protocol work?
You begin with 2 load days (48 hours). It will take up to 72 hours for the hCG to be in full force in your system. This is why you can load for 48 hours. By the time the hCG is at full force you must be eating 500 calories from the list of approved foods. Dr. Simeons gives a two meal eating schedule that may be used as a guide. He clearly states in the manuscript that the user may eat smaller, more frequent meals if desired as long as all of the food is eaten and no food group is intentionally missed.
Dr. Simeons spent a number of years researching many different food combinations and the foods listed are the ones that gave the best and most consistent results for weight loss and body reshaping. Some exceptions or adjustments may be allowed but these are to be made only by someone with complete understanding of the Protocol.
Exceptions or adjustments made without this understanding may result in slowed weight loss or complete stall. If you are vegetarian or vegan, please ask for the appropriate food list for your needs.
While taking the hCG, it is not necessary to weigh daily although many people do for their own peace of mind. Weighing every other day, twice weekly, or even once each week is preferred. This is because typical weight loss when using hCG is ½ to 1½ pounds daily, on average. This means that we want to take a look at the bigger picture to see what the results really are. Given the average weight loss parameters, one can expect to lose 15 to 30 pounds in 26 days. Although we most commonly see 23-26 pound losses, it is different for each individual, and men are almost always at the high end. If choosing to weigh daily, please take into account the fact that you may lose only ounces one day but pounds the next, and you could have a slight gain every once in awhile as your body reacts to things like salt and other variables. Measuring your weight loss at the end of each week will give you the full picture of your weight loss on the hCG Protocol.
Once you have finished taking the hCG for the desired length of time (no less than 23 days but not to exceed 60 days), it is time for the maintenance portion of the hCG Protocol to begin. It is important to stay in close contact with your hCG Diet Canada support team so we can help you through this vital part of the Protocol. This is where the hypothalamus is reset to the new body weight set point. You will be allowed to add foods back into your routine but continue to refrain from sugar and starch (no grains, no legumes, etc). You will have to weigh daily – at the same time every morning, after emptying the bladder and while naked – if the weight is more than 2 pounds above the weight of the last hCG day then a Steak day must be completed that very day.
69. Are there age restrictions for the hCG Diet?
Dr. Simeons gives no age restrictions or requirements in the Protocol. He does warn that teenage girls may experience fluctuations in their menstrual cycle up to and including no cycle while taking the hCG. It is very important for everyone to make sure that their health care provider is aware of the weight loss plans. Many health care providers may offer to follow their progress as they journey through the Protocol.
70. Why won't I be starving if I'm only eating 500 calories a day?
Why won’t I be starving if I’m only eating 500 calories a day?
If you attempted to lose weight by only eating 500 calories it would back fire because your body was created to survive. Eating just 500 calories would make your body think that you were living in a famine. When this happens your body starts to store fat for fuel. hCG releases about 1500 to 4000 calories into your system per day (per Dr. Simeons's manuscript) + 500 calories you are eating on the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) = 2000 to 4500 calories per day.
71. My friend lost weight with the HCG injections, so will the homeopathic oral hCG drops work the same?
While the Homeopathic hCG drops are as effective as the injections there are a few differences. The Homeopathic hCG drops should be used for no less than 23 days but can be continued for as long as 60 days before taking a break. There is no need to take a weekly break nor is it necessary for women to stop taking oral hCG during the menstrual cycle. While it is not necessary to refrigerate, many find the refrigerator a safe place to store their bottles. Because refrigeration is not necessary, homeopathic hCG is easy to take wherever you may need to go.
72. Do the Homeopathic hCG drops need to be refrigerated?
No - the drops go where you go without refrigeration! The only time to refrigerate them is if you have an open bottle that will not be used for a month or more. Don't leave the bottles in extreme temperatures, like in your car in summer or winter.
73. When is a good time to start the hCG Weight Loss Protocol?
It is best to begin the hCG Protocol when you have the time necessary to devote to completing the Protocol. Teenagers may find that summer break is the perfect time for their schedule. Women should begin after their menstrual cycle. The bottom line is that the Protocol is easiest to adhere to when there aren't any major events (like birthdays, holidays, weddings, etc), or business/personal travel days. This is because it is necessary to purchase foods that need to be prepared at home. Cooking from scratch takes time but allows you to better enjoy the flavors of the foods.
74. I'm ready to start Fat Loading. Are there foods I should avoid?
I'm ready to start Fat Loading - are there any foods I should avoid?
The purpose of the Load days is to eat foods that are high in fat. This tells your cells that there is an abundance of fat, so that when you start the VLCD days, your cells will be happy to release thousands of fat calories into your system for elimination. If you do not eat enough fat during the load days, your cells may go into starvation mode where instead of releasing excess fat, they hold onto it. You would likely also have an issue with hunger for at least the first week.
Aim for high fat foods, such as eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage, fried foods, ice cream, cheesecake, etc. You will feel very full so be smart about it. For example, a loaded baked potato will fill you up, whereas you can get as much fat from a big bowl of ice cream and feel less stuffed. Starches and sugars aren't important - stick with the high fat foods and you'll be very happy with your results.
75. How closely must we follow the food plan? Can I substitute one vegetable for another?
In a nutshell, NO SUBSTITUTIONS!
Dr. Simeons spent many years researching an exhaustive number of food combinations, and the foods listed are the ones that gave the best and most consistent results. Some exceptions or adjustments may be allowed but these are to be made only by someone with complete understanding of the Protocol. Exceptions or adjustments made without this understanding may result in slowed weight loss or complete stall. If you are vegetarian or vegan, please ask for the appropriate food list for your needs.
76. How many drops should I take each day?
Contrary to the misinformation found in many places, the correct dosage of the hCG homeopathic drops is 60 drops per day. Dr. Simeons' dosing suggestions for injections are to take no less than 125 International Units (IU) but no more than 200 IUs daily.
This converts to taking the drops at doses of no less than 250 IUs but no more than 400 IUs, as shown here:
hCG Diet Canada DAILY other brands of drops DAILY
60 drops (3 ml) = 250 IU daily 30 drops (1.5 ml) = 125 IU daily
72 drops = 300 IU 36 drops = 150 IU
84 drops = 350 IU 42 drops = 175 IU
A 2-ounce bottle will last 23 days when taking the dose of 30 drops (125 IU) but weight loss will be slow with many plateaus. When following the suggestion above and using twice as much (250 IU), a 2-ounce bottle will last up to two weeks, but average weight loss will be higher and more steady, with the final results the same as when using injections. Ideally, take 10 drops 6x per day. If that isn't practical with your schedule, try 12 drops 5x per day or 20 drops 3x per day.
With homeopathic products, the most effective dosing is frequent doses of smaller portions.
77. Is it normal to have a headache and upset stomach for a few days after starting the hCG drops?
Yes, it’s normal but preventable. For most the headache and stomach upset comes from sugar/starch withdrawals. These will subside after a few days adhering to the VLCD. Some may experience blood sugar fluctuations which need to be brought to our attention so we can help make necessary adjustments. Any headache, dizziness, etc that persists or lasts longer than 7 days needs to be evaluated.
78. Should I stop all pills and multivitamins when I start the hCG Protocol? What about B12 shots?
Only your health care provider can tell you if prescription medications can be stopped while going through the Protocol. Dr. Simeons recommends going off all medications as well as vitamin/mineral supplements. While vitamin B-12 may help increase energy levels it is necessary to bring all B-vitamins up to the same percentage before increasing one further. For this reason, if someone would like to include B-12 in their routine it would be better to include a B-Complex (25, 50, 75, or 100). It is important to note that the RDA of vitamin/minerals is the amount necessary to keep from becoming deficient. Some supplements/medications may interfere with hCG.
79. Should I take the hCG homeopathic drops while on my period?
Homeopathic drops may be taken every day of the month. However, prescription hCG (hCG injections) should be stopped during the time of month (TOM).
80. What if I gain weight as soon as I start eating more than 500 calories a day?
If this were to occur it would be necessary to complete a 'Steak Day'. During Maintenance 1 and 2, a steak day is used to correct any weight gain of 2 pounds or more from the last day of taking HCG. The steak day MUST be done on the same day that the second pound is gained or it will not be effective and could be counter-productive. This is why weighing every single morning during maintenance is non-negotiable.
A steak day consists of ½ to 1 gallon of water during the day, with no food whatsoever, and a big (8 oz) steak and either one tomato or one apple for dinner. The scale should show 1-3 pounds lost the following morning. (Other forms of lean protein may be substituted for the steak.)
81. How long will the weight I lost of the hCG Diet stay off?
As long as Maintenance 1 is followed precisely AND necessary lifestyle changes are made you may expect to maintain the new weight with little effort. It is important to check your weight frequently and use the steak day tool upon the gain of more than two pounds.